The company’s aim is to minimize negative environmental impact caused by its operation and to ensure responsible and sustainable use of all environmental resources used by the company. This is done by defining critical environmental factors, managing and monitoring them. In order to control and reduce the company’s environmental impact, annual goals have been set, besides making implementation plans on how to fulfill them. Environmentally friendly procurement is promoted, along with continuous improvements and added environmental awareness of all employees and customers. We comply with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and requirements.
Marina Travel has the following guidelines to achieve its targets:
- Monitoring and managing critical environmental factors within the company. Emphasizing responsible use of all environmental resources, reducing waste and recycling.
- Cutting down exhaust from vehicles by continually renewing the fleet of busses and applying best available technique at all times, using preventive maintenance of vehicles and providing drivers with eco-driving lessons.
- Increasing environmental awareness of all employees by proper training and information about the environmental impact of the company’s business.
- Ensuring that employees know about and follow rules on procuring, treatment and disposal of hazardous materials as well as correct reaction and behaviour in case of emergency.
- Informing customers about the importance of environmental protection and teaching respect for nature at all times.
- Using preferably only suppliers and service providers who have certified environmental management systems. All suppliers and service providers receive an introduction to our environmental issues.
- Implementing emergency and evacuation procedures which are constantly being revised.
- Recording all spillages and incidents related to the operation of busses and maintenance garage. Notifying the appropriate authorities in case of environmental incidents.
- Implementing measurable goals regarding environmental issues in order to survey the company’s environmental performance and status.
- Making an annual report where environmental issues are made public to employees and other interested parties.
Marina Travel systematically manages all its operations with a commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development. With this vision we aim to be a role model for other companies.